Wednesday, June 17, 2009

This one is random

I haven't posted anything in a while, mostly because I've actually been busy at work. Well... busier. So I decided to post about some of the random happenings since the last entry...

1. I moved into my condo and discovered that a "professional carpet cleaning" does not in fact erase pet and smoke odors. Nor does it get all of the hair out of the carpet... excuse me? I will need to vacuum a few times after you leave to get that hair up? I'll write you up a quote for my services.

2. I got ANOTHER 100 calorie pack that was double stuffed and in case you're wondering what that's like... it's amazing. I notice that it only happens after I have decided to indulge and eat a big dinner when I'm not even hungry to begin with, decide that the 100 calorie pack of Fudge Stripe cookies I've already shoved in my face were just not satisfying, and decide that I'll just have one more little 100 calorie pack then I'm REALLY done eating. I felt like crap for the next few hours but it was sooo worth it, and it's only 100 calories so it's basically healthy.

3. My sister and I decided to start P90X, the workout video that will get you in "the best shape of your life." It was delivered yesterday and after reading the 2 books it comes with, looking at the chart, and seeing what was on each of the 13 videos... we decided that we just weren't quite ready yet. We will be indulging ourselves until Sunday when the torture begins. I hope the new Little Cesar's opens before we start so I can eat my weight in crazy bread one more time....

4. It has been 16 days without TV. I am still alive.... for now.

5. Matt Wertz update - We did not fall in love. Actually, let me re-phrase that. Matt Wertz and I did not fall in love YET! It was bad timing, he's seeing someone and therefore wasn't looking at me with the same appreciation that I was looking at him. Down the road this will be a funny story we tell when people ask how we met. It will go something like this - Matt-"Funny story, we actually met a few times before I realized she was the one for me. She's much smarter than me, so she obviously knew it all along. I'm sooo lucky!" Something along those lines I think.

6. Some friends and I went to the Aerosmith concert and being the hardcore fans we are, we laughed in the face of the weather man who asked us all to go to our cars and wait out the storm (since we were at an outdoor arena). We sat in our tarp, in the rain, for an hour and boy oh boy was Steven Tyler worth it. Of course it stopped raining during the very LAST song of the night. Convenient. PS, Steven Tyler + silver pants + long hair = True Love.

7. I love the summer and the warm weather, but I'm wondering if other people face this dilemma too.... It's hot outside so everyone cranks up the AC inside and once you're in for more than 2 minutes it's freezing! And there you are in your sleeveless top and flip flops feeling like you're sitting in a refrigerator. I tend to bring a jacket with me wherever I go in the summer but I notice I'm the only one, which makes me wonder if I'm abnormally cold or if everyone else is just too stylish to wear a jacket in the summer. At work, I keep my space heater on ALL DAY but the problem is that it's under my desk and therefore only warms my legs while my upper extremities freeze as the AC positioned directly above my desk blows it's arctic breeze my way. Such problems... I know. But even as I type this my fingers feel as though they may fall off. I think those fingerless gloves would be the solution to my problem but I am afraid people will refer to me as "that girl with the fingerless gloves" and nobody will want to be my friend.

8. I can't get enough of the song "Calle Ocho" by Pitbull. I imagine that if I were in a modern version of Footloose, this is the song I would dance to instead of "Separate Ways" by Journey. You know, that part where Kevin Bacon dances out his problems in the abandoned warehouse? Just like that.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Billy, Elton, and Wertz!

Today I'm going to tell you about some of the fun things happening this month and one not so fun thing....

I'll get the not so fun thing out of the way so that I can hurry up and get to the fun stuff. My whole condo thing is currently up in the air which makes me very nervous.... and I don't like it! The sellers are being less than friendly and honest about the whole thing and although I may get all the things I'm asking for (in a roundabout kind of a way that lets the sellers off the hook) a huge part of me doesn't want to give in and give the sellers what they want. I want this to work out for me, but not for them.... is that wrong?! Probably, but that's how I feel about the whole thing right now. I've talked the whole deal to death and all I can do right now is sit and wait, so I won't bore myself by typing out all the details right now. Instead we'll talk about happier things :)

Last week I saw probably the most legendary concerts that I will ever see, Billy Joel and Elton John... TOGETHER! I am not a super fan of either one of them but it was just amazing to see them live. They sang all their hits, some together and some solo. We had good seats up in the first section of seats off the floor (right next to Joe Buck) and as luck would have it, someone we were with knew the usher who was checking the tickets of those trying to go down to the floor. She let a few of us sneak down there and we walked right down the middle isle of the floor seats right up to the front, about 40 ft. from Elton as he sang "Rocketman". I will tell my grand kids that I went to this show and since they have such a hip grandma they'll know all about Elton and Billy and be super impressed.

As a single girl one of the things I look for is handsome, talented and funny single men. Enter - MATT WERTZ! He's one of my favorite musicians, he's funny, good looking, talented, and is from Missouri (the wrong side of it, but I can forgive him this fault)! Oh, and did I mention he's single??? This Friday night he'll be in St. Louis doing a small show and I will be there! Even better.... the tickets were FREE from the radio station! Oh the Joy! I have seen him in concert a couple of times before but it's been almost 2 years since he's been in St. Louis and I just can't wait! He puts on such an entertaining show that even if he's not my boyfriend at the end of the night I will still have fun :) Also, the concert is at a casino so I can hit up the penny slots after the show and win me some money! (ps, I just read this paragraph again after I finished writing it and realized that I used an exclamation point at the end of every single sentence... this may be overkill but I feel it necessary to express my excitement very dramatically on this topic)

The other exciting news is that I will be going on my first vacation in about 4 years! I'll be in Florida for a whole wonderful week and I couldn't be more excited about it. I plan to do nothing but sit on the beach, sit by the pool, read, sleep (a lot) and eat (also a lot). *repeat every day for 7 days* Oh, and I'll also be spending large amounts of time making fun of my parents wearing water shoes and my mom wearing a visor... trust me, it's funny! Also, I hope to avoid the sunburn and instead skip right to the bronze glow... but I don't have a good feeling about that. I almost always burn on the first day of vacation, get sun poisoning, and spend the next 2 days with my bottle of aloe alone in the hotel while everyone else has fun outside. Sunscreen will be my friend on this trip. Really the only thing I'm not looking forward to is the plane rides to and from. I almost always get motion sick and end up sitting by smelly guy. Say a little prayer for me mmmkay?

Monday, May 11, 2009

Money, Spending and Budgets = Yay, Hooray, and BOO!

This weekend started bright and early on Saturday morning with some garage sale shopping and let me tell you, it was WORTH IT! Kelly and I got up waaay too early for a weekend and drove out to the St. Charles Family Arena where a few hundred people had brought car loads of their crap to sell at rock bottom prices... it was a sight. Kelly and I got lucky and found some great stuff (we know it was great because about 15 people stopped us to tell us how much they liked the items we were carrying around.... especially Kelly who had bought a lamp shaped like the Eiffel Tower. The people were amazed)! There was so much to look at that we spent about an hour and a half there and oh my was there some funny stuff that people were trying to unload. The girl who sold Kelly the Eiffel Tower lamp also had 2 life sized cardboard cutouts that I was sooo tempted by... one was Legolas and the other was Will Turner from the Pirates of the Caribbean. Now in case you don't get the connection... they're both my lovely pretend boyfriend Orlando Bloom. Ooh, how tempted I was! I immediately felt a bond with the girl selling the items and told her that I think we would get along just fine. She laughed but was then disappointed when I didn't buy her stuff... I don't think she wanted to be friends anymore. The other item that I was super tempted by was this marionette doll of JC from N'Sync ! It even came with it's own stand to store the doll when you're not making it dance along to "Bye Bye Bye". It was only $4 and I'm sure I could have gotten it for less... well, Kelly could have gotten it for less. I'm no good at bargaining. I feel bad about haggling over $2 and she's much tougher than me! I am having some buyers remorse on that one, it would have made a lovely gift for any number of my friends. Anyway, I got some good stuff for my new condo and I think I may be a reformed shopper. Now I kind of feel like I've been missing out on these great deals all along, so I may have a reason to get up at the crack of dawn on Saturdays... cheap crap!

So about that new condo... I am starting to freak out a little. I have looked at my budget over and over again and honestly... I HATE having a budget! I've been fortunate enough that I haven't had to keep a close eye on my spending because I've always been pretty reasonable with my money. Let me tell you, nothing is worse that sitting down and figuring out what you spend your money on every month! It was the worst! I apparently spend a lot of money on stuff that I really don't need and even though it sounds like it would be easy to cut that stuff out, I am used to being able to buy that stupid stuff when I want it! Ugh... I hate feeling like an adult. Why doesn't money grow on trees? That would make me oh so happy! I would grow a whole grove of money trees and spend my days spending the fruits of my harvest on important things.... like shirts. And Subway. Ooh, and pants. Until my money tree arrives I guess I'll have to just suck it up and follow a budget even though the idea makes me want to cry a little. Especially when I factor in all of the things that the new condo needs, like new upstairs carpet, a little paint, a flat screen TV (for reals, it's the only way that a TV will fit in my living room!), Oh, and some decorations. These things are not included in the numbers that I keep crunching, so that is a whole other ball of fun for me to worry about. So basically, what I'm trying to say is... Home Ownership! I could be more excited.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

As Seen On TV

I LOVE shopping and sometimes I think it may be a problem.... like when I had a bad day and only the purchase of a new shirt will make me feel better! And you know what normally happens to those new clothes? They end up in my closet to be worn once or never at all because somehow things look different from the dressing room to my bedroom. You would think I could just return the items, but no..... I always am very confident when I get my items home and rip off the tags and throw them away. No good. I thought I would share a couple of of my shopping experiences this week......

On Monday after work I decided to go shoe shopping at DSW and I found cute little black heeled sandals for the low low price of $29.99. At the checkout counter, the woman working proceeds to tell me about the weekend she wore those exact same shoes and how comfortable they were the whole time. She continued to tell me that she had been drinking quite a bit and maybe that's why her feet didn't hurt. Also, I now know about her that she drinks Tequila, goes crazy when she does, so that's why she doesn't drink very often. I found myself in a 5 min. conversation about how happy we were that she knew her limits and that drinking mass quantities of Tequila wasn't a problem in her life since she was responsible about it. Really... I just wanted the shoes.

I went to Walgreens to get.... well I don't remember what I was there for. Actually, I think it was just one of those feelings like, "I need to get something at Walgreens" and I was driving by one so I just went in. What I ended up buying was some makeup that I don't need because it was buy one get one half off and that's just a good deal. I tried to find stuff that I could use to help decorate for our trivia team's CSI theme, but had no luck there. And then there it was... the As Seen On TV section. For only $10 I became the proud owner of those little plastic rings that you hook onto your bra straps in the back that hold them together, so if you wear a shirt with a racer back, your bra straps would be hidden. I got home, tried it immediately, and I LOVE it! It does all the things that the commercial promised! I was so excited that I went into my closet to grab one of those hard to wear shirts that would no longer be a problem anymore. Here's the thing.... I don't own ANY shirts like that! Apparently I have been diligent about only buying shirts that will cover my bra straps as they normally are. Soo.... now I have 6 multi colored rings and no articles of clothing that require their services. On the up side, I feel like it's ok for me to go shopping again :)

Monday, April 27, 2009

It's just 100 calories!

I am completely addicted to the 100 calorie pack options that soooo many foods come in now. How nice of them to take the responsibility of portion control off my shoulders! You would think it would make more sense just to buy the regular box of cookies, read the label and decide how many I can have for only 100 calories... but this is too much work and those darn snack companies know me so well. I will pay more for the convenience of the individually portioned and packaged option. Why does it feel healthier!? I have been loving the Keebler Fudge Stripe Cookies and have one after dinner pretty much every night. A few nights ago, I grabbed 2 bags (because I was especially hungry for cookies and it's only 200 calories for both... that's still a low number. Don't judge me!) and after eating the first one, I opened the second one and got a big surprise.... they had somehow filled this bag to the brim with at least 3x the amount of cookies that come in a regular package! It was a little sad how excited I got about it, but it totally made my day because it was like cheating the system! I got 3x the cookies for only 100 calories (shut up, the bag said 100 calories and that's all I'm counting)! I think these little bags of 100 calorie goodness are the devil in disguise, tricking us all.

I would like to take a moment to note.... this is the kind of wild, interesting things that I will be blogging about. Fair warning! I told you my life isn't that exciting :)

Thursday, April 23, 2009

You want to hear my every thought and opinion right?!

Do I have enough interesting stories to blog about? Do I want to be a blogger? Do I like the word BLOG? The answers to all of these questions is no. Do I have mass quantities of time while at work that need to be filled with something because you can only spend so much time on Facebook every day? Yes. So here I am... with wild stories of action, intrigue, and madcap adventures. Or, maybe just stuff that happens in my life that make me laugh a little and hopefully entertain the 1-2 readers I'll have on here (cross your fingers, I'm aiming high).